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Reproductive Justice Agenda

Our Reproductive Justice Agenda (RJA) illustrates our vision, solutions, and values for attacking the root causes of reproductive oppression. In this Agenda we articulate our analysis based on the lived experiences, issues, and research carried out for and by Asian women and girls to develop a model that addresses the nexus of systems of oppression based on gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, age and immigration status.

ACRJ's Reproductive Justice Agenda (RJA) places reproductive justice at the center of the most critical social and economic justice issues facing our communities, such as ending violence against women, workers rights, environmental justice, queer and transgender rights, immigrant rights, and educational justice, which have major implications for Asian women. As illustrated in the RJA, women's bodies, reproduction and sexuality are often used as the excuse and the target for unequal treatment in the attempt to control our communities. We believe that by challenging patriarchal social relations and addressing the intersection of racism, sexism, xenophobia, heterosexism, and class oppression within a women-of-color context, we will be able to build the collective social, economic, and political power of all women and girls to make decisions that protect and contribute to our reproductive health and overall well-being.

Click here to download a full-size PDF image of ACRJ's Reproductive Justice Agenda.

Learn more about our Reproductive Justice analysis! Download a free copy of our newly published paper, A New Vision for Reproductive Justice. Full-color originals can be purchased for $4 a copy. Please contact us for more information.

Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice

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